Published on2021Designing Product Descriptions for Supporting Independent Grocery Shopping of People with Visual Impairmentsnext-jsmatholsHow to derive the OLS Estimator with matrix notation and a tour of math typesetting using markdown with the help of KaTeX.
Published on2021Improving Mealtime Experiences of People with Visual Impairmentsnext-jsmatholsHow to derive the OLS Estimator with matrix notation and a tour of math typesetting using markdown with the help of KaTeX.
Published on2021OverIT: An Interactive Overlay for Touchscreen-based UI Customization with a Programming by Demonstrationnext-jsmatholsHow to derive the OLS Estimator with matrix notation and a tour of math typesetting using markdown with the help of KaTeX.
Published on2020Investigating three-dimensional directional guidance with nonvisual feedback for target pointing tasknext-jsmathols
Published on2020Understanding Interactive and Explainable Feedback for Supporting Non-Experts with Data Preparation for Building a Deep Learning Modelnext-jsmatholsHow to derive the OLS Estimator with matrix notation and a tour of math typesetting using markdown with the help of KaTeX.